Winter is Upon Us
It’s hard to believe, yet winter is here us and it’s a sure bet we’ll see our share of snow this season.
While many people are concerned with keeping sidewalks and roadways clear during a snow storm, as well as shoveling out their cars, we must not forget to keep local neighborhood fire hydrants clear from snow. The West Hempstead Water District continually asks local consumers to keep an eye out for any fire hydrants that may become buried in the wake of a plow. At times, snowplows may blanket many of the District’s 578 fire hydrants, making it nearly impossible to locate them quickly in emergency situations.
In the event of a fire, precious time is lost when firefighters must locate and shovel out fire hydrants. WHWD Water Commissioners ask consumers to keep fire hydrants closest to your residence or business clear of snow, with an approximate radius of 3-feet around each hydrant. Also, consumers should be extremely careful and aware of vehicle traffic when shoveling snow.